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Lista organizaţiilor finanţate de George Soros prin "Open Society Foundations"

Postat la: 17.11.2016 | Scris de: ZIUA NEWS


Numele lui George Soros este foarte vehiculat în aceste zile, mai ales după ce Donald Trump a cîştigat alegerile din SUA în dauna democratei Hillary Clinton, susţinută chiar de miliardarul american. Iata o listă cu 197 de organizaţii care, în ultimii ani, au primit o finanțare directă și asistență din partea lui George Soros și fundației sale, „Open Society Foundations":

1.  Advancement Project

2.  Air America Radio

3.  Al-Haq

4.  All of Us or None

5. Alliancefor Justice

6.  America Coming Together

7. America Votes

8. America's Voice

9. American Bar Association Commission on Immigration Policy

10. American Bridge 21st Century

11. American Civil Liberties Union

12. American Constitution Society for Law and Policy

13. American Family Voices

14. American Federation of Teachers

15. American Friends Service Committee

16. American Immigration Council

17.  American Immigration Law Foundation

18. American Independent News Network

19. American Institute for Social Justice

20. American Library Association

21. The American Prospect, Inc.

22. Amnesty International

23. Applied Research Center

24. Arab American Institute Foundation

25. Aspen Institute

26. Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now

27. Ballot Initiative Strategy Center

28. Bill of Rights Defense Committee

29. Black Alliance for Just Immigration

30. Blueprint North Carolina

31. Brennan Center for Justice

32. Brookings Institution

33. Campaign forAmerica's Future

34. Campaign for Better Health Care

35. Campaign for Youth Justice

36. Campus Progress

37. Casa de Maryland

38.  Catalist

39. Catholics for Choice

40. Catholics inAlliancefor the Common Good

41. Center for American Progress

42. Center for Community Change

43.  Center for Constitutional Rights

44. Center for Economic and Policy Research

45. Center for Reproductive Rights

46. Center for Responsible Lending

47. Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

48. Center on Wisconsin Strategy (COWS)

49. Change America Now

50. Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics inWashington

51. Coalition for an International Criminal Court

52. Common Cause

53. Constitution Project

54. Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund

55. Democracy Alliance

56. Democracy 21

57.  Democracy Now!

58. Democratic Justice Fund

58. Democratic Party

59. Demos

60. Drum Major Institute

61. Earthjustice

62. Economic Policy Institute

63. Electronic Privacy Information Center

64. Ella Baker Centerfor Human Rights

65. EMILY's List

66. Energy Action Coalition

67. Equal Justice USA

68. Fair Immigration Reform Movement

69. Faithful America

70. Feminist Majority

71. Four Freedoms Fund

72. Free Exchange on Campus

73.  Free Press

74. Funding Exchange

75. Gamaliel Foundation

76.  Gisha: Center for the Legal Protection of Freedom of Movement

77.  Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect

78. Global Exchange

79. Grantmakers Without Borders

80. Green For All

81. Health Care for America Now

82. Human Rights Campaign

83. Human Rights First

84. Human Rights Watch

85. I'lam

86. Immigrant Defense Project

87. Immigrant Legal Resource Center

88. Immigrant Workers Citizenship Project

89. Immigration Advocates Network

90. Immigration Policy Center

91. Independent Media Center

92. Independent Media Institute

93. Institute for America's Future

94. Institute for New Economic Thinking

95. Institute for Policy Studies

96. Institute for Public Accuracy

97. Institute for Women's Policy Research

98. International Crisis Group

99. J Street

100. Jewish Funds for Justice

101. Joint Victory Campaign 2004

102. Justice at Stake

103. Latino Justice PRLDF

104. Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law

105. League of United Latin American Citizens

106.  League of Women Voters Education Fund

107.  League of Young Voters

108.  Lynne Stewart

109. Defense Committee

110. Machsom Watch

111.  MADRE

112.  Malcolm X Grassroots Movement

113. MassachusettsImmigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition

114.  Media Fund

115.  Media Matters for America

116.  Mercy Corps

117.  Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund

118. Meyer, Suozzi, English and Klein, PC

119.  Midwest Academy

120.  Migration Policy Institute

121.  Military Families Speak Out

122.  Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment

123. MoveOn.org

124.  Ms. Foundation for Women

125.  NARAL Pro-Choice America

126.  NAACP

127. The Nation Institute

128.  National Abortion Federation

129. National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty

130.  National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy

131.  National Committee for Voting Integrity

132.  National Council for Research on Women

133.  National Council of La Raza

134.  National Council of Women's Organizations

135. National Immigration Forum

136. National Immigration Law Center

137.  National Lawyers Guild

138.  National Organization for Women

139.  National Partnership for Women and Families

140.  National Priorities Project

141.  National Public Radio

142.  National Security Archive Fund

143. National Women's Law Center

144. Natural Resources Defense Council

145. New America Foundation

146.  New Israel Fund

147.  News Corp Watch

148.  Pacifica Foundation

149. Palestinian Center for Human Rights

150.  Peace and Security Funders Group

151. Peace Development Fund

152. People for theAmerican Way

153.  People Improving Communities Through Organizing

154. Physicians for Human Rights

155.  Physicians for Social Responsibility

156.  Planned Parenthood

157.  Ploughshares Fund

158.  Prepare New York

159.  Presidential Climate Action Project

160.  Prison Moratorium Project

161. Progressive Change Campaign Committee

162.  Progressive States Network

163.  Project Vote

164.  Pro Publica

165.  Proteus Fund

166.  Public Citizen Foundation

167.  Public Justice Center

168.  Rebuild and Renew America Now (a.k.a. Unity '09)

169.  Res Publica

170.  Roosevelt Institute

171.  Secretary of State Project

172.  Sentencing Project

173.  Social Justice Leadership

174.  Shadow Democratic Party

175.  Sojourners

176.  Southern Poverty Law Center

177. State Voices

178.  Talking Transition

179.  Think Progress

180. Thunder Road Group

181. Tides Center

182. U.S. Public Interest Research Group

183.  Universal Healthcare Action Network

184.  Urban Institute

185.  US Action Education Fund

186.  Voto Latino

187. We Are America Alliance

188. Working Families Party

189.  World Organization Against Torture

190.  YWCA World Office, Switzerland

191.  Center for Progressive Leadership

192.  John Adams Project

193.  Moving Ideas Network (MIN)

194.  New Organizing Institute

195.  Think Progress

196.  Vote for Change

197.  Working Families Party.

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