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S-au împlinit 10 ani de când două state partenere și aliate în NATO ascund și protejează un terorist american

Postat la: 22.07.2015 | Scris de: ZIUA NEWS

S-au împlinit 10 ani de când două state partenere și aliate în NATO ascund și protejează un terorist american

Jurnalistul Ovidiu Ohanesian, cel care a fost printre cei trei ziaristi rapiti in Irak, face o notificare catre ambasada SUA, reclamand ca s-au implinit zece ani de cand doua state partenere si aliate NATO ascund si protejeaza un terorist. Redam in continuare textul notificarii:

Notificare către Ambasada SUA la București

La jumătatea acestei luni, Departamentul american de Justiție, ca dealtfel și Departamentul de stat al SUA su fost notificate prin intermediul Ambasadei Statelor Unite ale Americii la București, cu privire la împlinirea unui deceniu de când două state democrate, aliate NATO pe frontul de luptă împotriva terorismului protejează și ascund un terorist cetățean american.

Notificarea s-a realizat prin depunerea unui document de 437 de pagini la registratura ambasadei SUA (17.07.2015), care descrie în detaliu modul în care instituții de forță din România și Statele Unite ale Americii au mușamalizat acte de terorism internațional și l-au ascuns pe teroristul american Mohammad Munaf, urmărit internațional prin Interpol pentru răpirea a trei cetățeni români și complicitate la răpirea și torturarea cetățeanului american Roy Hallums, jurnalistei franceze Florence Aubenas și a altor persoane în anul 2005.

Documentul depus la sediul Ambasadei SUA la București conține sute de pagini - în limba engleză, franceză și română - cu fotografii, documente (unele dintre acestea cu regim secret ), mărturii care confirmă apartenența teroristului american Mohammad Munaf la un grup internațional de crimă organizată condus de traficantul de armament Viktor Bout, de Omar Hayssam ș.a. și modul în care acesta a fost extras de către serviciile secrete ale armatei americane din ambasada României din Bagdad, în lunai mai 2005, cu complicitatea autorităților române. Astfel, unul dintre pionii importanți ai afacerii "Răpirea din Irak" - dosar 540/D/P/2005, parțial secretizat al dosarului "Armamentul" - 628/D/P/2005, secretizat în întregime și, probabil, piesă de bază în multe alte dosare de corupție și crimă oreganizată internaționale, a fost protejat și ascuns pentru a nu fi audiat în fața instanțelor din România.

Este de neînțeles cum, într-o perioadă în care lumea civilizată, din care fac parte România și SUA, având militari care își riscă viața pe fronturile din Afganistan și Irak, instituțiile de forță ale celor două state aliate în NATO au ales să ascundă acte de crimă organizată, bine documentată în dosarele de mai sus, protejând criminali și infractori de marcă și pe acoliții acestora.

Eduard Ovidiu Ohanesian

In attention of: His Excellency U.S. Ambassador
The Chargé d'affaires ad interim Mr. Dean Thompson
The Legal attaché Mr. Russel Ashenden
In attention of: Attorney General, Mr. Eric H. Holder, Jr.
Federal Bureau of Investigation
In attention of: Secretary of State, Mr. John F. Kerry

Dear Sirs,
Thank you for your letter of April2, 2014, File No. WF 231749[1]
The FBI informs us that:
Mohammad Munaf - International Terrorist and Financier
Mohammad Munaf is an USA citizen found guilty by the Romanian Court of Appeal (Sentința Penală nr. 122 / 24 aprilie 2008 a Curții de Apel București) and judged "in absentia" for terrorist activities including kidnapping and torture[2]. Munaf was also jugged and condemned by the Federal Court (The Iraqian Supreme Judiciary Counsel) to the death sentence (No. 19/ Public Commission / 2007 T/3)[3] for the same charges.
Mohammad Munaf in association with Omar Hayssam, a Syrian national[4], are leading a large network of activities, legal and illegal, in order to finance terrorist activities and also financially enrich themselves. Their terrorist organization operates in the Middle East, Romania, Moldova, Ukraine and other corrupt and/or terrorist environments including United States. There are many suspicions related to the criminal network which helped Mohammad Munaf to obtain US citizenship. Also, Interpol issued an international wanted person notice for Iraqi-American citizen Mohammad Munaf[5].
Munaf and Hayssam are known conducting arms trafficking in association with Viktor Bout[6]and others, smuggle drugs, cigarettes, weapons, ammunition, explosives (ammonium nitrate, red mercury) and other goods by sea and air, corrupt and blackmail politicians for profit, money laundering and many other complex criminal activities ( sol-air missiles in exchange for drugs). This is the reason of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)[7] officers presence in Romania, in January-March 2008 as you'll find in follow-up.
They also operate apparently legitimate businesses like medical clinics[8], import-export, and others, also in association with corrupt politicians[9]. Munaf and Hayssam were also using terror and blackmailing the corrupt Romanian Government in order to escape investigations into their illegal networks of financial manoeuvres, corruption and extensive fraud. The main target for their terrorist activities is money. They are mercenaries for terrorist groups spreading from Lebanon and Syria to Columbia via Romania. As a result, Hayssam was recorded in 2004, in Top 300 richest businessman in Romania with a estimated fortune of 100 million dollars[10]. Hayssam and Munaf successfully corrupt not only politicians and business man, but also journalists and even the Romanian Orthodox Church . I personally exposed many contracts and agreements between terrorists, mass-media and the church.
The undersigned is an investigative journalist[11] and one of his/their victims. Beginning with October 2003, I described the high level corruption in details, in România liberă newspaper. I reveald the fraud and decadence of the romanian politicians, businessman and high rank officials, many of them under cover officers of the ex-communist Security, wich in spite of all euro-atlantic protocols (Romania trying to accede in NATO and European Union at that time) were supporting old terrorist organizations from Iraq, Iran, Siria or Afganistan.
For example, Romania is part to the Wassenaar Arrangement (WA) from July 12, 1996 which has been established in order to contribute to regional and international security and stability, by promoting transparency and greater responsibility in transfers of conventional arms and dual-use goods and technologies, thus preventing destabilising accumulations. I publish many proofs that Romanian high-rank officials, helped by trafficants like Mohammad Munaf violated (WA) by trafficking dual-use goods and technologies, weapons and ammunition to countries under international embargo like Sudan Yemen, Kenya, Uganda.
Maybe the best example is the ROT (Romanian Tactical Operative Rockets) investigation, military equipments vanished in thin air in 1995-1996. 400 SCUD A and B rockets ( 8K11 and 8K14 balistic rockets) and 18 machine launchers TEL from Tecuci and Ineu military units were packed by ZIM company, under the Mossad supervising officers Mr. Eliezer Pincu (born in Romania at Galați) and Ms. Aliza, Romanian Army Forces and SIE agents, under the command of SIE general Ioan Talpeș ( a former communist barnstromer) and U.S. Defence Intelligence Agency officers .
I also wrote 4 books, mainly about corruption, terrorism and secret services, machinery which used terrorists like Omar Hyssam and Mohammad Munaf. They have amassed huge fortunes over decades of illegal dealings with terrorist states and organizations. Most of their terrorism financed assets are hidden in off-shore accounts, or are transferred on their relatives' names and possibly secreted by other criminal instruments for further use by the terrorist networks. The latest volume Serving the country (Servesc Patria !) contains a document about the relation between the American terrorists Mohammad Munaf, Omar Hayssam and the international smuggler Viktor Bout. Now I know that the long and profitable relation between Romanian authorities, secret services, Omar Hayssam and Viktor Bout was classified, being covered up an putted to silence at the Bout trial in United States.
For some reasons, the same procedure was applied in case of the international crook Philip Bloom (presumable CIA undercover officer), related to his Romanian business partner Bogdan Baltazar (ex-communist secret service agent in USA and politician) and former Transportation ministry Traian Băsescu, still president of Romania. In 2005, Mr. Bloom was deeply involved in Iraq with his Romanian company Global Business Group- GBG, being charged for massive fraud and corruption, jugged and condemned to 4 years in prison along side with his partners (Seymour Morris). Bloom was also the owner of Baltazar, Bloom & Pirvulescu and Noble ( Voice/IP communication) companies.
For these reasons, the Kidnapping Affair form March 2005 which involved me, was nothing else but an attempt to eliminate me. I was retained by menace against my will by their heavily armed terrorist organization on March 28, 2005 in Baghdad Irmak, while being on a journalistic mission, assigned by the newspaper Romania libera where I was working at the time[12].
I was thrown with duress into the trunk of the terrorists' car and incarcerated alongside Roy Hallums, USA citizen, Florence Aubenas French citizen and well known journalist, and others in inhuman conditions for 55 days. I was occasionally tortured and permanently threatened with execution first, by a team of Mohammad Munaf relatives ( brothers, cousins, brothers-in-law) Iraqi, bargained especially for this operation [13]. After the event Munaf brother Youssef Al Amin and others being arrested and charged for terrorism[14]. All their victims, including USA citizens, were abducted in Iraq and incarcerated in vicious conditions for ransom.
Another victim of the American terrorist Mohammad Munaf was Roy Hallums ex- Pentagon officer and retired Navy Commander wrote a book called Buried Alive[15], related to his experience as a terrorist victim. He described his experiences in many TV shows including CNN and Discovery broadcastings. Officially, Hallums was finding and liberated by the special troops of Hosting Working Group, under Colonel Daniel O'Shea command.
Finally, it seems that Mohammad Munaf and Hayssam lost control of their terrorist operation in favour of more experiences local operators and Munaf was also abducted. He was offered privileged conditions while his fellow terrorists were negotiating for an ever increasing ransom.
Eventually the ransom was paid in full and all of us, the remaining hostages including the USA citizen ex-Pentagon and a retired US Navy Commander[16], the French international journalist and Munaf an Iraqi national and USA citizen, were freed from captivity and recuperated by the corresponding authorities.
Munaf was recuperated together with the Romanian nationals, including the undersigned, by the Romanian officials present in Iraq and sheltered at the Romanian Embassy in Baghdad on May 22 2005. His wife and children are Romanian nationals and they were residing at the time in Romania.
As we know, the Romanian authorities were unofficially demanded by the USA officials, to surrender Munaf , on grounds of his USA citizenship. The American terrorist was transferred from Romania territory in American military custody on May 25 2005. The Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs refused to offer any information's or documents referring to the Mohammad Munaf transfer, claming that the American terrorist has never been in the Romanian Embassy from Baghdad.
Several occasions, Mohammad Munaf offer to the Romanian and American officials relevant information's about Omar Hayssam and Viktor Bout. In 4 July 2005, the Romanian prosecutors open a top secret file, which eventually conduct to the dissolution of the Viktor Bout criminal group.
I was astonished when an American official, Dr. Robert Ziscovici, presumable to be CIA resident in Romania, said to me: „ Forget Mohammad Munaf !". Another one, Mr. Gary Dickson, the FBI responsible from the US Embassy in Bucharest was not to happy to discuss about the kidnapping situation in which the American citizen Roy Hallums was a victim.
Thus the terrorist Mohammad Munaf and his fortune, made in decades of crime and terrorism simply disappeared. Munaf can not be found by Interpol[17], and the USA authorities can not identify his fortune, mostly made in Romania and stored abroad.
In order to continue my fight against corruption and terrorism, I ask you to:
conduct all efforts to identify all assets, bank accounts, properties used by the American Munaf Mohammad terrorist actions, his business partners, family, sisters, brothers, ex-wife ;
identify and find all his transferred assets or money, possible now used by another criminal organisations. I attached a list with his Romanian assets (companies) lost in the period of his American detention in Iraq[18] ;
identify his location in order to bring him to the Romanian justice ;
support and assist me to fight against corrupted high rank officials who helped Mohammad Munaf and his partners in his actions;
inform, assist and support me in order to bring all persons and instititution involved in that corruption and terrorism affair to justice;
declassify and publish all information's about the American terrorist Mohammad Munaf, Sirian terrorist Omar Hayssam, the terrorist Viktor Bout and his relationship with Romanian authorities and about many others related to the criminal acts of these persons.
I attached documents and contacts refer to some important persons I was met related to the kidnapping affair, like Mr. Gary Dickson (FBI), Daniel O'Shea (Hostage Working Group), Jonathan M. Brookshire (JDIC Annalist) which can testify. In Romania the terrorist files were abusively classified trough presidential order. The truth about the terrorist act from March 28, 2005 and the real reason standing behind - international gunrunning (file no. 628/D/P/2005 ) Viktor Bout / Mohammad Munaf / Omar Hayssam / Andrew Smulian / Ivan Țurcanu / Vladimir Mazin / Vladimir Siminiuc / Ivan Gheorghievici Busuioc[19] and others was hide for 50 years.
A large part of the documents attached are only partial translated from Romanian, because I have no money to do it. So, I expect from you take act that my financial status is very poor.
I also expect from American officials to assist me finding the lost American terrorist and his fortune.


S-au împlinit 10 ani de când două state partenere și aliate în NATO ascund și protejează un terorist american

Postat la: 22.07.2015 | Scris de: ZIUA NEWS


Jurnalistul Ovidiu Ohanesian, cel care a fost printre cei trei ziaristi rapiti in Irak, face o notificare catre ambasada SUA, reclamand ca s-au implinit zece ani de cand doua state partenere si aliate NATO ascund si protejeaza un terorist. Redam in continuare textul notificarii:

Notificare către Ambasada SUA la București

La jumătatea acestei luni, Departamentul american de Justiție, ca dealtfel și Departamentul de stat al SUA su fost notificate prin intermediul Ambasadei Statelor Unite ale Americii la București, cu privire la împlinirea unui deceniu de când două state democrate, aliate NATO pe frontul de luptă împotriva terorismului protejează și ascund un terorist cetățean american.

Notificarea s-a realizat prin depunerea unui document de 437 de pagini la registratura ambasadei SUA (17.07.2015), care descrie în detaliu modul în care instituții de forță din România și Statele Unite ale Americii au mușamalizat acte de terorism internațional și l-au ascuns pe teroristul american Mohammad Munaf, urmărit internațional prin Interpol pentru răpirea a trei cetățeni români și complicitate la răpirea și torturarea cetățeanului american Roy Hallums, jurnalistei franceze Florence Aubenas și a altor persoane în anul 2005.

Documentul depus la sediul Ambasadei SUA la București conține sute de pagini - în limba engleză, franceză și română - cu fotografii, documente (unele dintre acestea cu regim secret ), mărturii care confirmă apartenența teroristului american Mohammad Munaf la un grup internațional de crimă organizată condus de traficantul de armament Viktor Bout, de Omar Hayssam ș.a. și modul în care acesta a fost extras de către serviciile secrete ale armatei americane din ambasada României din Bagdad, în lunai mai 2005, cu complicitatea autorităților române. Astfel, unul dintre pionii importanți ai afacerii "Răpirea din Irak" - dosar 540/D/P/2005, parțial secretizat al dosarului "Armamentul" - 628/D/P/2005, secretizat în întregime și, probabil, piesă de bază în multe alte dosare de corupție și crimă oreganizată internaționale, a fost protejat și ascuns pentru a nu fi audiat în fața instanțelor din România.

Este de neînțeles cum, într-o perioadă în care lumea civilizată, din care fac parte România și SUA, având militari care își riscă viața pe fronturile din Afganistan și Irak, instituțiile de forță ale celor două state aliate în NATO au ales să ascundă acte de crimă organizată, bine documentată în dosarele de mai sus, protejând criminali și infractori de marcă și pe acoliții acestora.

Eduard Ovidiu Ohanesian

In attention of: His Excellency U.S. Ambassador
The Chargé d'affaires ad interim Mr. Dean Thompson
The Legal attaché Mr. Russel Ashenden
In attention of: Attorney General, Mr. Eric H. Holder, Jr.
Federal Bureau of Investigation
In attention of: Secretary of State, Mr. John F. Kerry

Dear Sirs,
Thank you for your letter of April2, 2014, File No. WF 231749[1]
The FBI informs us that:
Mohammad Munaf - International Terrorist and Financier
Mohammad Munaf is an USA citizen found guilty by the Romanian Court of Appeal (Sentința Penală nr. 122 / 24 aprilie 2008 a Curții de Apel București) and judged "in absentia" for terrorist activities including kidnapping and torture[2]. Munaf was also jugged and condemned by the Federal Court (The Iraqian Supreme Judiciary Counsel) to the death sentence (No. 19/ Public Commission / 2007 T/3)[3] for the same charges.
Mohammad Munaf in association with Omar Hayssam, a Syrian national[4], are leading a large network of activities, legal and illegal, in order to finance terrorist activities and also financially enrich themselves. Their terrorist organization operates in the Middle East, Romania, Moldova, Ukraine and other corrupt and/or terrorist environments including United States. There are many suspicions related to the criminal network which helped Mohammad Munaf to obtain US citizenship. Also, Interpol issued an international wanted person notice for Iraqi-American citizen Mohammad Munaf[5].
Munaf and Hayssam are known conducting arms trafficking in association with Viktor Bout[6]and others, smuggle drugs, cigarettes, weapons, ammunition, explosives (ammonium nitrate, red mercury) and other goods by sea and air, corrupt and blackmail politicians for profit, money laundering and many other complex criminal activities ( sol-air missiles in exchange for drugs). This is the reason of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)[7] officers presence in Romania, in January-March 2008 as you'll find in follow-up.
They also operate apparently legitimate businesses like medical clinics[8], import-export, and others, also in association with corrupt politicians[9]. Munaf and Hayssam were also using terror and blackmailing the corrupt Romanian Government in order to escape investigations into their illegal networks of financial manoeuvres, corruption and extensive fraud. The main target for their terrorist activities is money. They are mercenaries for terrorist groups spreading from Lebanon and Syria to Columbia via Romania. As a result, Hayssam was recorded in 2004, in Top 300 richest businessman in Romania with a estimated fortune of 100 million dollars[10]. Hayssam and Munaf successfully corrupt not only politicians and business man, but also journalists and even the Romanian Orthodox Church . I personally exposed many contracts and agreements between terrorists, mass-media and the church.
The undersigned is an investigative journalist[11] and one of his/their victims. Beginning with October 2003, I described the high level corruption in details, in România liberă newspaper. I reveald the fraud and decadence of the romanian politicians, businessman and high rank officials, many of them under cover officers of the ex-communist Security, wich in spite of all euro-atlantic protocols (Romania trying to accede in NATO and European Union at that time) were supporting old terrorist organizations from Iraq, Iran, Siria or Afganistan.
For example, Romania is part to the Wassenaar Arrangement (WA) from July 12, 1996 which has been established in order to contribute to regional and international security and stability, by promoting transparency and greater responsibility in transfers of conventional arms and dual-use goods and technologies, thus preventing destabilising accumulations. I publish many proofs that Romanian high-rank officials, helped by trafficants like Mohammad Munaf violated (WA) by trafficking dual-use goods and technologies, weapons and ammunition to countries under international embargo like Sudan Yemen, Kenya, Uganda.
Maybe the best example is the ROT (Romanian Tactical Operative Rockets) investigation, military equipments vanished in thin air in 1995-1996. 400 SCUD A and B rockets ( 8K11 and 8K14 balistic rockets) and 18 machine launchers TEL from Tecuci and Ineu military units were packed by ZIM company, under the Mossad supervising officers Mr. Eliezer Pincu (born in Romania at Galați) and Ms. Aliza, Romanian Army Forces and SIE agents, under the command of SIE general Ioan Talpeș ( a former communist barnstromer) and U.S. Defence Intelligence Agency officers .
I also wrote 4 books, mainly about corruption, terrorism and secret services, machinery which used terrorists like Omar Hyssam and Mohammad Munaf. They have amassed huge fortunes over decades of illegal dealings with terrorist states and organizations. Most of their terrorism financed assets are hidden in off-shore accounts, or are transferred on their relatives' names and possibly secreted by other criminal instruments for further use by the terrorist networks. The latest volume Serving the country (Servesc Patria !) contains a document about the relation between the American terrorists Mohammad Munaf, Omar Hayssam and the international smuggler Viktor Bout. Now I know that the long and profitable relation between Romanian authorities, secret services, Omar Hayssam and Viktor Bout was classified, being covered up an putted to silence at the Bout trial in United States.
For some reasons, the same procedure was applied in case of the international crook Philip Bloom (presumable CIA undercover officer), related to his Romanian business partner Bogdan Baltazar (ex-communist secret service agent in USA and politician) and former Transportation ministry Traian Băsescu, still president of Romania. In 2005, Mr. Bloom was deeply involved in Iraq with his Romanian company Global Business Group- GBG, being charged for massive fraud and corruption, jugged and condemned to 4 years in prison along side with his partners (Seymour Morris). Bloom was also the owner of Baltazar, Bloom & Pirvulescu and Noble ( Voice/IP communication) companies.
For these reasons, the Kidnapping Affair form March 2005 which involved me, was nothing else but an attempt to eliminate me. I was retained by menace against my will by their heavily armed terrorist organization on March 28, 2005 in Baghdad Irmak, while being on a journalistic mission, assigned by the newspaper Romania libera where I was working at the time[12].
I was thrown with duress into the trunk of the terrorists' car and incarcerated alongside Roy Hallums, USA citizen, Florence Aubenas French citizen and well known journalist, and others in inhuman conditions for 55 days. I was occasionally tortured and permanently threatened with execution first, by a team of Mohammad Munaf relatives ( brothers, cousins, brothers-in-law) Iraqi, bargained especially for this operation [13]. After the event Munaf brother Youssef Al Amin and others being arrested and charged for terrorism[14]. All their victims, including USA citizens, were abducted in Iraq and incarcerated in vicious conditions for ransom.
Another victim of the American terrorist Mohammad Munaf was Roy Hallums ex- Pentagon officer and retired Navy Commander wrote a book called Buried Alive[15], related to his experience as a terrorist victim. He described his experiences in many TV shows including CNN and Discovery broadcastings. Officially, Hallums was finding and liberated by the special troops of Hosting Working Group, under Colonel Daniel O'Shea command.
Finally, it seems that Mohammad Munaf and Hayssam lost control of their terrorist operation in favour of more experiences local operators and Munaf was also abducted. He was offered privileged conditions while his fellow terrorists were negotiating for an ever increasing ransom.
Eventually the ransom was paid in full and all of us, the remaining hostages including the USA citizen ex-Pentagon and a retired US Navy Commander[16], the French international journalist and Munaf an Iraqi national and USA citizen, were freed from captivity and recuperated by the corresponding authorities.
Munaf was recuperated together with the Romanian nationals, including the undersigned, by the Romanian officials present in Iraq and sheltered at the Romanian Embassy in Baghdad on May 22 2005. His wife and children are Romanian nationals and they were residing at the time in Romania.
As we know, the Romanian authorities were unofficially demanded by the USA officials, to surrender Munaf , on grounds of his USA citizenship. The American terrorist was transferred from Romania territory in American military custody on May 25 2005. The Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs refused to offer any information's or documents referring to the Mohammad Munaf transfer, claming that the American terrorist has never been in the Romanian Embassy from Baghdad.
Several occasions, Mohammad Munaf offer to the Romanian and American officials relevant information's about Omar Hayssam and Viktor Bout. In 4 July 2005, the Romanian prosecutors open a top secret file, which eventually conduct to the dissolution of the Viktor Bout criminal group.
I was astonished when an American official, Dr. Robert Ziscovici, presumable to be CIA resident in Romania, said to me: „ Forget Mohammad Munaf !". Another one, Mr. Gary Dickson, the FBI responsible from the US Embassy in Bucharest was not to happy to discuss about the kidnapping situation in which the American citizen Roy Hallums was a victim.
Thus the terrorist Mohammad Munaf and his fortune, made in decades of crime and terrorism simply disappeared. Munaf can not be found by Interpol[17], and the USA authorities can not identify his fortune, mostly made in Romania and stored abroad.
In order to continue my fight against corruption and terrorism, I ask you to:
conduct all efforts to identify all assets, bank accounts, properties used by the American Munaf Mohammad terrorist actions, his business partners, family, sisters, brothers, ex-wife ;
identify and find all his transferred assets or money, possible now used by another criminal organisations. I attached a list with his Romanian assets (companies) lost in the period of his American detention in Iraq[18] ;
identify his location in order to bring him to the Romanian justice ;
support and assist me to fight against corrupted high rank officials who helped Mohammad Munaf and his partners in his actions;
inform, assist and support me in order to bring all persons and instititution involved in that corruption and terrorism affair to justice;
declassify and publish all information's about the American terrorist Mohammad Munaf, Sirian terrorist Omar Hayssam, the terrorist Viktor Bout and his relationship with Romanian authorities and about many others related to the criminal acts of these persons.
I attached documents and contacts refer to some important persons I was met related to the kidnapping affair, like Mr. Gary Dickson (FBI), Daniel O'Shea (Hostage Working Group), Jonathan M. Brookshire (JDIC Annalist) which can testify. In Romania the terrorist files were abusively classified trough presidential order. The truth about the terrorist act from March 28, 2005 and the real reason standing behind - international gunrunning (file no. 628/D/P/2005 ) Viktor Bout / Mohammad Munaf / Omar Hayssam / Andrew Smulian / Ivan Țurcanu / Vladimir Mazin / Vladimir Siminiuc / Ivan Gheorghievici Busuioc[19] and others was hide for 50 years.
A large part of the documents attached are only partial translated from Romanian, because I have no money to do it. So, I expect from you take act that my financial status is very poor.
I also expect from American officials to assist me finding the lost American terrorist and his fortune.

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